Monday, January 24, 2011

A Life by Example

     Heroes, those to whom we look up to and strive to become.  Everyone has a hero. As a child my hero was my uncle, who always had a smile on his face.  As I grew older I set values for life and my vision of heroism changed.  My heroes today are numerous and for varied reasons.  Jesus Christ, for teaching me love and compassion. My parents, for teaching me to see a lot in very little.  My children for teaching me that life is better viewed while looking up at it. There are others on the list but that is for another time.  
    Throughout history there have been individuals that have stood heroically tall while the world around them walked by, only to notice them when their work was finished.  Today there are those among us that are standing tall holding their banners for all to see.  Our American Soldiers top that list.  Fighting a war they did not ask for and asking only that we support them.  Teachers, Firefighters, and Law Enforcement, all providing a service, for little or no pay. 
     Too many heroes to list, and while I could speak at length on any one of the above groups I wish today, to pay tribute to a new kind of hero.  A hero that has not been present in nearly 100 years, I am speaking about the pioneer.  We have become so socialized in our lives that we have forgotten or just plain given up the skills and knowledge that founded this and other great nations.  Today many across our nation, said to be one of the greatest nations on Earth, children are starving and homeless.  Jobs are declining and poverty is rising at an alarming rate.  Out of the turmoil, a voice is raised saying “Follow me, I will show you the way.”
     The Pioneer as defined by Webster’s Dictionary is, “[someone] Leading the way; trailblazing”.  Throughout history there have been Pioneer’s in every culture.  Some of them called by different names including, trailblazer, pathfinder, mountain man, and scout.  These individuals went ahead and learned the areas and then trained others in their survival arts and with each passing, the wild areas became less wild and the pioneer moved on to another area to repeat the process.  Pioneers have always gone before us leading the way and teaching us what we need. 
     The pioneer is alive and well even today in our civilized culture.  The need for alternative energy, food, and shelter has brought forth the knowledge holders and they are ready to pass on their knowledge.  Though they are few and they cannot reach all those that need it.  Therefore, the obligation falls to you and I. 

A return to first principles in a republic is sometimes caused by the simple virtues of one man. His good example has such an influence that the good men strive to imitate him, and the wicked are ashamed to lead a life so contrary to his example.
~Niccolo Machiavelli

    One man, that is all it takes.  While there are those out there, like Dave Canterbury and Cody Lundin, that are already standing up and spreading the knowledge.  There needs to be more.  While it only takes one man to start something it takes another to pass it on further.  There are many such Daves and Codys in the world that are not standing.  They are living their own lives and letting the world live it’s.  Now is a call to those that are sitting by, it is our time to step up to the mark.  Let us spread the knowledge and prepare the next generation to survive.   So as you finish reading this, make ready your kits, and toe the line with me.  Stand tall and let your voices ring loud as you proclaim:
“Follow me, I will show you the way.”